Son Dakika Kayseri, Explore All About Kayseri

On a turbulent evening in Kayseri, an incident involving a Syrian national led to chaos. The Syrian man, identified as IA, allegedly committed an act of child abuse targeting his own relative, a young Syrian girl. This tragic incident immediately mobilized the local community, causing great unrest. Locals, driven by anger and frustration, resorted to destructive actions, setting fire to shops, homes and vehicles believed to belong to Syrian nationals. The resulting devastation necessitated the intervention of law enforcement, which resulted in the detention of 67 individuals.

What did Interior Minister Ali Yerlikaya say?

After the incident, Interior Minister Ali Yerlikaya addressed the nation and emphasized the prompt response of the security forces. He said, “During the intervention by our security forces in the above-mentioned action, 67 individuals were detained. The gathered crowd dispersed after 2:00 p.m.” Yerlikaya’s statement underscored the government’s commitment to restoring order and highlighted the actions taken to prevent further escalation.

Who is the suspect and what are the charges?

The suspect at the center of this controversy, IA, is a Syrian national who is accused of molesting a young girl who is his relative. The incident reportedly took place in the Melikgazi Eskişehir Bağlari area of ​​Kayseri. According to Yerlikaya, “IA was captured by nearby civilians and handed over to the security forces. An immediate investigation into the case has been launched.” The quick reaction of the local community reflects the seriousness of the allegations and the growing sensitivity towards such crimes.

What was the community response?

The community’s reaction was swift and severe. Following the IA’s arrest, a large number of people gathered in the area. What began as an expression of outrage soon turned into violent behavior. In a display of collective rage, residents targeted properties belonging to Syrian citizens, causing extensive damage. This included setting homes, shops and vehicles on fire. Yerlikaya condemned these actions, saying, “Our citizens acted unlawfully by damaging the homes, businesses and vehicles of Syrian citizens, behaving contrary to our humanitarian values.”

How did the authorities react?

The response of the authorities was quick and decisive. Security forces intervened to control the situation and restore order. During these efforts, 67 individuals were detained for involvement in the unrest. Yerlikaya noted that after the intervention of the security forces, the crowd began to disperse after 2:00 a.m. He reaffirmed the government’s commitment to maintaining the rule of law and ensuring the safety of all residents regardless of nationality.

What is the government’s stand on xenophobia?

In his address, Yerlikaya also touched upon the issue of xenophobia, stressing that it has no place in Turkish society. He said, “Turkey is a state of law. Our security forces continue their fight against all crimes and criminals, as they did yesterday. The noble Turkish justice system gives criminals the punishment they deserve. The actions of the public that harm the environment without considering public order, security and human rights are unacceptable. We cannot tolerate xenophobia, which is not in our faith, the values ​​of civilization or the record of our respected nation.” This statement reflects the government’s stance of promoting unity and condemning actions motivated by hatred or prejudice.

What are the next steps in the investigation?

Following the incident, an immediate investigation was launched to address the allegations against the IA and the subsequent incidents of violence. Yerlikaya assured the public that authorities are taking the matter seriously and will ensure that justice is served. The investigation will focus not only on the initial crime but also on those who participated in the unlawful acts of violence and destruction.

What can be expected next?

Moving forward, it is anticipated that Turkish authorities will continue to monitor the situation closely. Measures are likely to be taken to prevent such incidents in the future. This includes reinforcing the message of unity and tolerance, as well as ensuring that the legal system effectively addresses both the crime and the subsequent acts of vigilantism. The government’s response aims to balance the need for justice with the imperative to maintain social harmony and protect the rights of all individuals living in Turkey.


The events in Kayseri have highlighted significant challenges related to social cohesion and the rule of law. The initial act of sabotage by Syrian civilian IA sparked a wave of anger, which led to widespread destruction and unrest. Interior Minister Ali Yerlikaya’s response emphasized the importance of legal procedures, condemning both the crime and unlawful retaliatory actions. As the investigation progresses, the focus is on ensuring justice is served while promoting the values ​​of unity and tolerance within the community.

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