On Tuesday, ex-BBNaija star Kiddwaya shared a disturbing incident. He revealed that he was robbed while staying at a villa in Ibiza, Spain. The robbery happened on Monday night at around 3:00am local time. Kiddwaya revealed that the thieves stole 70,000 euros and a pricey Birkin bag from his room.
What happened?
Kiddwaya spoke about the incident in a video post on Instagram. He explained how the robbers broke into his room while he was asleep. This is the second time Kiddwaya has been robbed in Ibiza. The reality TV star expressed his frustration and concern over the repeated incidents.
You are watching: Kiddwaya Robbery Incident: Know How He Was Robbed In Ibiza
The robbers entered the villa and managed to reach Kiddwaya’s room without being noticed. They looted cash and an expensive Birkin bag. Kiddwaya stressed the need for better security measures in such residences to prevent such incidents.
Kiddwaya’s advice for travellers
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Kidwaya offered advice to fellow Nigerians travelling to Europe. He stressed the importance of being vigilant, especially while staying in villas. According to him, it is important to have extra security personnel and personal drivers.
“All my rich Nigerians, be careful of all these villas when you visit these places,” Kiddwaya advised. He suggested employing bouncers to monitor the properties day and night. He also advised avoiding regular taxis and opting for private drivers instead. He believes this can reduce the risk of encountering local threats.
Concerns about internal threats
Kidwaya also raised concerns about potential internal threats. He warned travellers to be cautious of the staff working in their accommodation. “Be careful of your maid; she is the one who goes into the room and knows where the money is and where everything is kept,” he said.
This advice emphasises the need to be cautious about who has access to private belongings and sensitive information. Kidwaya’s experience reminds us that not all threats come from the outside. Sometimes, people with access to private spaces can pose significant risks.
Increased security measures
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The Kidwaya incident underscores the importance of increasing security measures at holiday accommodations. Travelers should consider investing in comprehensive security arrangements. This includes hiring reliable security personnel and ensuring that all entry points are secure.
Travelers are also advised to keep valuables in safe places. Using hotel safes or portable security devices can help protect personal belongings. Also, it is wise to avoid carrying large amounts of cash or expensive items while traveling.
final thoughts
Kidwaya’s unfortunate experience in Ibiza is a cautionary tale for travelers. His advice to increase security measures and be alert to internal threats is valuable. Travelers should heed his warnings and take the necessary precautions to ensure their safety.
As Kiddwaya said, “Make sure you have bouncers and people walking around the property day and night.” This simple step can go a long way in preventing such incidents. His experience is a reminder that safety should always be a top priority when traveling.
Source: https://hmiendongsaigon.edu.vn
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