Hunter Biden Ex Wife: Explore All About Kathleen Buhle

Testimony in Hunter Biden’s felony gun trial took a deeply personal turn on Wednesday. His ex-wife and a former girlfriend both spoke about his struggle with crack cocaine addiction. Hunter Biden is facing three firearms offenses. These are based on claims that he lied about his addiction and drug use on a federal form to buy a gun in October 2018. The trial marks the first time a child of a sitting president has faced a criminal trial in US history.

Allegations against Hunter Biden

Hunter Biden faces serious charges. Prosecutors claim he lied about his drug addiction on a federal form. This form was required to buy a gun from a store in northern Delaware. They argue that Biden was a drug user and was not allowed to own a gun. To prove their case, they plan to use excerpts from his memoirs, his text messages and testimony from people who knew him.

Hunter Biden’s defense lawyers argue that prosecutors must prove he intentionally lied on the form. They suggest Biden was going through an unsuccessful period of recovery when he bought the gun. The defense aims to show that his mental state at the time was not intentionally deceptive.

Evidence from close relationships

Wednesday was the second day of testimony in the trial. It was the first day the jury heard statements from people close to Hunter Biden. Hunter Biden’s ex-wife Kathleen Buhle testified first. She talked about his struggle with alcohol and his discovery of crack cocaine use. Buhle’s testimony provided a glimpse into the personal challenges Hunter faced during their marriage.

After Buhle, a former girlfriend, Zoe Kesten, testified. Kesten detailed her one-year relationship with Hunter Biden. They met at a gentleman’s club in New York City in late 2017. She spoke of his charm and how he made her feel safe. However, she also shared disturbing details about his persistent drug use and failed attempts to overcome addiction.

Details from Zoe Keston’s testimony

Keston, a designer living in Brooklyn, met Hunter Biden at Vivid Cabaret, where she worked part-time. Their relationship began unexpectedly when she was asked to perform another private dance. On their first meeting, Hunter played a Fleet Foxes song on his phone and Keston thought it was crack cocaine. Despite his addiction, she found him incredibly attractive.

Their relationship quickly deepened. They spent five days together at New York’s Soho Grand Hotel. This was followed by several meetings at hotels in Atlantic City and New York City. Keston told the jury about Hunter’s frequent drug use, sometimes smoking crack in private every 20 minutes.

Financial transactions and drug use

Prosecutors questioned Kesten about Hunter Biden’s financial habits. She reported that he often asked to withdraw cash from his account. The money was used for drug deals and personal expenses, including gifts and clothing for his children. Prosecutors suggest that these large cash withdrawals indicate frequent drug use by Hunter during the months leading up to the gun purchase.

Defense lawyers argue that the cash withdrawals were not just for drugs. They claim the money was used for a variety of expenses, including rehabilitation services, living expenses, and his children’s tuition. This argument aims to show that Hunter Biden’s financial transactions were not solely connected to his addiction.

upcoming testimonies

The trial is planned to continue with more personal testimony. On Thursday, prosecutors plan to call Hailey Biden to testify. Hailey, Hunter Biden’s ex-girlfriend and his brother’s widow, is expected to testify about their shared drug use at the time of the gun purchase. Her testimony is likely to provide further insight into Hunter’s mental state during this period.

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